Layers. Couches sonores. Skikt.
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Layer | Couche | Skikt | Layers are successive (and compound) simultaneous units |
Layer-elements | Éléments de couche | Skiktelementer | |
Foreground | Premier Plan | Forgrunn | |
Middleground | Plan mitoyen | Mellomgrunn | |
Background | Arrière-plan | Bakgrunn | |
Intensity of Profile | Intensité du profil | profilintensitet |
Width of Layers
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Width of Layers | Ampleur des couches | Skiktbredde | One melody line gives a narrow layer; a chordal setting of big ambitus gives a wide layer |
Narrow | Étroit | Smalt | |
Thick | Épais | Tykt | |
Wide | Large | Bredt | |
Ample | Ample | Vidt |
Articulation of Layers
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Articulation of Layers | Articulation des Couches | Skiktartikulasjon | The profile intensity of a layer element can be stable or changing, or come and go interrupted by breaks. |
Continuous | Continue | Kontinuerlig | |
Alternating | En alternance | Varierende | |
Discontinuous | Discontinue | Brutt |
Layer Interrelation
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Layer Interrelation | Coordination des couches | Skiktsamordning | The contents of various layers may be synchronized or independent, or in interaction |
Horizontal interrelation | Coordination horizontal | Horisontal skiktsamordning | Synchrony |
Vertical interrelation | coordination vertical | Vertikal skiktsamordning | Independence |
Diagonal interrelation | Coordination diagonal | Diagonal skiktsamordning | Imitation or similar |
Neutral interrelation | Coordination indéfinie | Nøytral skiktsamordning | Unspecified |
Placement in Register
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Placement in Register | Placement en registre | Registerplassering | The registers correspond roughly to the seven octaves of a piano |
Extreme treble | Très aigu | meget høy diskant | |
High treble | Aigu | høy diskant | |
Treble | Mezzo aigu | diskant | |
High medium | Medium aigu/Diapason | høyt midtleie | |
Low medium | Mezzo grave | lavt | |
Deep | Grave | dypt | |
Profound | Très grave | meget dypt |
Extreme treble | 7 |
High treble | 6 |
Treble | 5 |
High medium | 4 |
Low medium | 3 |
Deep | 2 |
Profound | 1 |
Placement of Reference
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Placement of reference | Placement de referance | Referanseplassering | Layer placement of elements based on regular pulses, drones and tonal harmonies, ostinatos, riffs etc. |
Entry and Exit Mode
English | Français | Norsk | Definition |
Entry and Exit mode | Modes d’entrée et sortie | Inntoning/uttoning | The manner in which a layer enters or exits |
Neutral | Neutre | Nøytral | |
a) Fading | Disparaissant | Gradvis uttonet | |
b) Emerging/merging | Émergeant/ Immergeant | Fremvoksende/sammensmeltende | |
Cut | Coupé | Avklippet | |
Disjoint | Interrompu | Avbrutt |